A quick and cost effective way to produce COSHH, noise and risk assessments, method statements and complete Health & Safety Plans for construction projects.

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What Do I Get?

  • Health and Safety documents, each one tailored to the hazards and risks associated with the works being carried out on your site, professionally presented and available from your own PC.
  • Free Supplementary sheets that provide the basis for a comprehensive site Health and Safety Management system.
  • A fast, easy and economic way to obtain your documentation.

Documents Produced

  • A Full Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan see below for content
  • Risk Assessments - plus free supplementary documents such as Site set-up, Daily Checklists, Induction Notes, Site Rules etc.
  • COSHH Assessments - plus free supplementary sheets for the first aid box
  • Outline Health and Safety Plan
  • Noise Assessments
  • Method Statements
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Site Safety Management Documents - such as, Permits to work, Accident Book, Contractor Records, Visitors Book and Site Safety Diaries etc.

More Information?

You will require Abode Acrobat Reader to view and print your documents. Acrobat Reader is a freely available product downloadable from the Adobe web site, and included on the Cover CDs of most PC Magazines every month.

Your Documents Explained

Front Cover

A page displaying your Company Name, the Project Name and the full site address.
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This list can be used by the Contracts/Project Manager to check that all Health and Safety issues have been attended to before work starts on site. E.G. have all the relevant surveys been obtained?
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Outline Health and Safety Plan

The Outline Health and Safety Plan, prepared by the Principal Contractor can be used to give statements of intent to the CDM co-ordinator / Principal Designer and the Client of how Health and Safety will be managed during the construction phase of the project. It should also give an outline of how specific hazards and risks identified by the CDM co-ordinator / Principal Designer in his Pre-Construction Information will be addressed during construction.
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COSHH Assessments

Having identified that a product to be used presents a hazard, the level of its severity depends on where the substance is to be used. The Assessment has three location categories – Outdoors (or an area ventilated on all sides), Indoors (with adequate ventilation) and Confined Spaces (an area with limited or no ventilation). The Assessment will also refer to ‘All Areas’. With some substances the location of where the product is being used is irrelevant, as its contents present a hazard anywhere. For example, if Cement is in repeated contact with skin, it will cause burns regardless of where the person is.
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Noise Assessments

The Assessment is in two sections;
Pre-Site: Detailing action that may be taken to control or reduce the risk before Site or prior to the work commencing.
On-Site: Asks where the machine is being used, as this influences the level of noise. Tick the appropriate box/boxes – Inside, Outside or Restricted/Confined Space. Guidance on the likely noise level is shown. Refer to the boxes that have already been ticked by FastPlan to determine the control measures that need to be applied.
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Hand Arm Vibration Assessments

The Assessment is in two sections;
Pre-Site: Detailing action that may be taken to control or reduce the risk before Site or prior to the work commencing.
On-Site: The vibration value for each machine has been converted into an easily understandable points system, with a maximum number of points available to each worker each day. A vibration work log is also available to record usage of equipment. For ease of use, each piece of equipment is given either a green, amber or red rating.
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Risk Assessments

Tick the boxes on the left of the document that apply to the activities taking place. Read the risk information for these activities.
Tick the Confirm box when the control measures are in place. Should any further control measures be necessary, tick the next Confirm box when these measures are in place.
The Residual Risk level is the risk level after the control measures are in place.
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Method Statements

Create and save your own Method Statements. These can then be imported into future projects and then modified.
Notes are provided to help you produce the ideal method statement.
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Blank Risk Assessments

This form is for the site management to produce risk assessments as and when required. There are two main reasons when this might be necessary:
1. If a work situation arises which was not foreseen on your initial appraisal of the risks involved with the project.
2. If a contractor comes to site without any risk assessments or with one that needs to be re-written.
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Blank Method Statements

This form is to assist the site management in the preparation of a good safety method statement whenever the work process has a high enough risk level to warrant more than just simple control measures. Use the form by following the guidance in the Actions column of the form. All the relevant information for the safety method statement needs to be completed in the Details column. Site management can use this form to assist sub-contractors with the production of their safety method statements.
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Manual Handling Assessments

Manual Handling is defined as the transporting or supporting of a load by bodily force. Where possible, manual-handling activities must be avoided so far as is reasonably practicable. If it is not possible to avoid the activity, it must be assessed and the risk of injury reduced to the lowest level reasonably practicable. The assessment should consider:
a) the load to be manually handled
b) the task, i.e. bending, twisting, etc.
c) the environment where the activity is being carried out
d) the individual performing the task
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Induction & Registers

Site Rules

Site rules that apply to a specific project are generated from the Risk Assessment questionnaire responses.
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Site Induction

These notes are guidance for the site management when conducting site induction as part of the standard requirements when arriving on site.
Investigations into accidents which have caused major or fatal injury have identified that a considerable number occur to individuals on their first day on site – sometimes within hours of their arrival. A brief safety induction and introduction to the project and its controls could assist in preventing such incidents. Some reasons for site safety induction are as follows:
a) To assist the Principal Contractor to give reasonable directions to any contractor so that he may comply with his duties under CDM.
b) Site management can use site induction’s to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities to provide and maintain a safe and healthy place of work.
c) They form part of a safe system of work for the site.
d) They are part of the proof of a structured management system for health, safety and welfare on site.
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Contractors Records

The contractors register is a record of contractor details and health and safety information that is collated when the contractor first arrives on site. It is documentary evidence that site induction have been given to all operatives coming onto site.
A separate register is completed for each contractor on site and should normally be completed by the site manager/foreman.
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HSE Visits

A blank form on which to record any visits that are made to the site by a Factory Inspector.
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Checklists, Diaries and Inspections

Site Set-up Checklist

The purpose of the site set-up checklist is to assist the site manager in considering the safety aspects required when the site is being established.
It does this by providing the site manager with a checklist that has been produced as a result of the prior identification of the operations to be carried out on site, it is site specific.
The checklist details different points to be considered and a box to be ticked when that item has been established or considered.
If an item can not be checked off then some remedial follow up action is required.
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Daily Safety Checklist

The daily health and safety inspection checklist is completed once a day by the site management and its purpose is to monitor the health and safety performance on site for the various work processes and hazards that have to be managed.
The site manager will inspect each item on the list and indicate on the form when it has been carried out. A tick in the relevant box means that that item is in order, a cross requires some remedial or follow up action.
Any remedial or follow up action should be indicated in the Site Safety Diary.
If any items, for whatever reason, are not applicable during the course of the inspection then N/A is written in the box.
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Pre-Work Checklist

A checklist to ensure that all Health & Safety issues have been attended to, before work on specific activities commence.
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Site Safety Diary

A diary in which to record any events, actions and occurrences that relate to health, safety or welfare matters on site.
These matters can include items such as the following:
1) Follow up action required from site set up checklist
2) Remedial/follow up action from daily inspections
3) Disciplinary matters regarding health and safety performance on site
4) Visits of safety inspection personnel
Detailing health and safety matters in a site diary helps to provide information for the enforcing authorities should a health and safety related incident take place.
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Lifting Inspections

Where your risk assessment for the use of lifting equipment has identified a significant risk to the operator or other persons, a suitable inspection should be carried out.
The frequency and extent of inspections to lifting equipment will depend on the potential risk from that piece of equipment. The inspection should include, where appropriate, visual checks and functional tests.
Potential faults in many items are often easy to detect by inspection, particularly where there are defects, which can commonly occur during use of the equipment. An operator will often be able to identify faults and these should be reported so those repairs can be carried out.
Weekly inspections of lifting machinery will depend on the equipment and where and how it is used but using a crane as an example, could include: The correct operation of limiters and indicators, checking tyre pressures (if mobile equipment), checking that no components are missing, e.g. bolts, and that the controls work properly.
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Scaffold Inspections

This form can be used to record the results of inspections of both scaffolds and excavations as required under the Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations) 1996.

These should be inspected and a record made of that inspection under the following circumstances:
a) before the scaffold is first used
b) after any substantial additions, dismantling or other alterations to the scaffold
c) after any event liable to affect the strength or stability of the scaffold
d) at least every seven days

Excavations (which require support)
These should be inspected as follows:
a) before work commences at the start of a shift
b) after an even, likely to affect strength or stability
c) after the fall of any rock or earth or other material

Inspections of scaffolds and excavations are only to be carried out by competent persons. Reports on inspections carried out are to be completed before the end of the working shift. A report of an inspection shall be kept on site until completion of the project and then kept for three months at the offices of the person for whom the inspection was carried out.

Reports are not required as follows:
a) on mobile tower scaffolds that do not remain in the same place for more than seven days
b) on a working platform from no part of which a person might fall two metres or more
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Site Waste Management Plan

The Site Waste Management Plan
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Work Permits

A permit to work is a control procedure which may be issued for virtually any work activity but has, historically, been reserved for what would be classified as a high risk activity, task or process. The permit is issued by and returned to senior site management and enables the site manager to keep close track of when potentially hazardous work is being carried out and by whom, as well as to set out a safe method of work.

Hot Works Permit

A hot work permit forms part of the safe system of work whenever work that generally involves ‘naked’ flames is being carried out on site. A permit to work for any hot works is usually part of the site fire safety plan and is issued by the site manager/foreman.

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Roof Work Permit

Where work on a roof takes place at height or there is a danger of falling through fragile materials when working at height, a roof work permit is advised. Half of all accidents in construction each year are a result of falls from height and using a permit to work for all roof work will enhance any safe system of work already in place.

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Confined Space Permit

Work in a confined space covers two main areas. Firstly, in a place which is substantially (though not always entirely) enclosed and, secondly where there will be reasonably foreseeable risk of serious injury from hazardous substances or conditions in the space or nearby.
Examples of confined spaces include: Manholes, Tunnels, Trenches, Pits, Sewers, Tanks, Wells, Flues, Silos.
Some work in confined spaces that present hazards: Working with solvent based products; Pipe freezing; Use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); Petrol or diesel driven engines;
Safe working in confined spaces where there is likely to be danger from gas or vapour, or where there is likely to be a deficiency of oxygen, depends entirely on strict adherence to a well-devised system of precautions. As it is essential that such precautions be followed without exception on every relevant occasion, the system is best laid down in writing in the form of a ‘permit to work’.

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Electrical Work Permit

An electrical permit to work is required when the electrical work to be carried out has been classified as being high risk by risk assessments. The permit may also be necessary when the work is complex or when it involves working on live circuits.

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Excavation Work Permit

An excavation permit to dig is required when the excavation work to be carried out has been classified as being high risk by risk assessments. The permit may also be necessary when:
a) the work is complex or,
b) when it involves working in deep excavations or,
c) close to existing structures or,
d) has a risk of flooding or,
e) the soil type is unstable.

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Notices, Records, Books

ToolBox Talks

Toolbox Talks are designed to provide brief on-site training, highlighting the most relevant Health & Safety issues associated with a specific subject or task. These would ideally be presented by the site manager/foreman.
The Talks form part of your Company’s ongoing training and assist in the passage of information on health and safety related matters.
Another aspect is that they are used as follow up training to the site safety induction talks.
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A fire safety plan is required for every construction project to ensure that in the event of a fire emergency, the safety of all personnel on site is ensured. The plan is a document that lays down specific actions/information to enable the risk of fire on site to be kept to a minimum. The plan considers points for fire prevention under the following headings:
  1. What the specific details of the contract are.
  2. The key personnel for fire prevention on site.
  3. How site security will be taken care of for the different stages of the project, to prevent things such as arson.
  4. Where the different combustible materials, flammable liquids and waste materials will be stored on site to reduce the risk of fire.
  5. A layout drawing to show location of accommodation, access/egress points, assembly areas and fire points.
  6. Details of signage

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Visitors Book

This document is for visitors only to sign onto site when they arrive and sign off site when they leave.
The purpose of the record is to enable the site management in the event of an emergency to account for all the visitors that are on site at that time and be in a position to inform the emergency services that the site is clear.
Another purpose is to enable site management to more readily identify visitors who might be more at risk from operations on site and thereby give them closer supervision whilst visiting.
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First Aid

This document details the first aid measures required for the hazardous substances that have been previously identified as being in use on the project. These first aid measures have been taken from the COSHH assessments for the hazardous substances that have been previously selected as being in use on the project.
The purpose of listing these measures separately is so that they can be placed with or in the first aid box to enable a shorter response time to treatment of an exposure to a hazardous substance that requires first aid treatment.
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Fire Co-ordinator/First Aiders

This notice is completed with the following information:
1. Who the fire co-ordinator for the project is. This person takes responsibility for all fire safety related matters on site.
2. Who the qualified first aid personnel on site are.
3. Where the first aid box(es) can be found on site, should first aid have to be administered.
A copy of the notice can be kept in the file and copies can be posted at prominent locations around the site.
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Accident Book

All accidents at work must be recorded in the accident book and the accident book must be kept for three years after the date of the last entry in the book. Certain accidents must be reported to the HSE as Reportable Incidents
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